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Question What is the total number of Packet Forwarding Engines in each of the DPCs using the Junos Trio chipset? Answer The 16-port 10-Gigabit Ethernet MPC on MX Series routers has a total of four Packet Forwarding Engines per MPC. Each MPC has two Packet Forwarding Engines. For more information, see MX Series MS-MPC and MS-MIC Service Cards Data Sheet #Triochipset #JUNOS #MPClinecards #PacketForwardingEngine #FAQ #JuniperMXSeries
As a result, dynamic buffer allocation is not supported on the Packet Forwarding Engines containing the Trio chipset. The buffer allocation per queue on the Packet Forwarding Engines containing the Trio chipset is considered the maximum for that queue
Answer It is difficult to give an absolute number for the rate of SNMP polls per second since the rate depends on the following two factors: The number of variable bindings in a protocol data unit (PDU) The response time for an interface from the Packet Forwarding Engine In a normal scenario where no delay is being introduced by the Packet Forwarding Engine and there is one variable per PDU (a Get request), the response time is 130+ responses per second
Answer The LSI interface provides better packet processing performance than the VT interface, unless there are core-facing interface restrictions or loss of ingress forwarding functionality, because the frame is sent only once through the route lookup
See matching posts in thread - Some help would be great I've been on this a whi...
See matching posts in thread - However I found that in [edit forwarding...
See matching posts in thread - another thread gives the config to setup mpls in...