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See matching posts in thread - QFX 5100 Transit Traffic processed by...
See matching posts in thread - Internet failover with dual-ISP configuration an...
See matching posts in thread - How do I perform the equivalence of "debug ip pa...
Answer You can check routing protocol process memory usage by entering the show system processes and the show task memory Junos OS command-line interface (CLI) operational mode commands
There are two types of long-lived Junos scripts: those that are executed at regular intervals via a timer event policy (a tick tock event), and those that are self-restarting and handle their own timing intervals and loop counts. Automatic restart after a reboot or power cycle is handled slightly differently for those two types
The RES value includes shared library pages used by the process. Any amount of memory freed by the process might still be considered part of the RES value
Answer Memory leaks are typically the result of a seemingly unbounded growth in the memory usage of a process as reported by the show system processes extensive command
The aim is to investigate when / whether this approach works and when you can do better by adding new links between nodes that are not already connected. Learn more by checking out David Woods' latest blog on reoptimizing your topology to cope with increased or changing traffic
Your script can detect RE status via an explicit query or by detecting an RE switchover event