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Question What are the QoS properties of the DPCE-R and DPCE-Q line cards? Answer The following are the major QoS properties and their features: Queuing at the VLAN level, per Packet Forwarding Engine using I-chip 4,000 schedulers with four queues 2,000 schedulers with eight...
Question Is hierarchical QoS per VLAN supported on aggregated Ethernet (AE) interfaces? Answer Hierarchical QoS allows you to control QoS at multiple levels: the physical level, the logical level, and fine-grained control at the command-line level. It is useful for managing bandwidth...
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Question Where can I learn about hierarchical class of service? Answer Hierarchical class of service (HCoS) is the ability to provide CoS functionality as a more granular level (for example, per subscriber rather than per port) by applying traffic schedulers and shapers to a hierarchy of ...