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This applies to SLAX version 1.1 and higher. Overview Send a series of ping to remote-host, useful for troubleshooting MTU/MSS issues. Description Automatically send a series of pings to the remote host. Subsequent pings send packets of increasing size so that...
Overview Send a series of pings to remote-host, useful for troubleshooting MTU/MSS issues. This applies to SLAX version 1.1 and higher. Description Automatically send a series of pings to the remote host. Subsequent pings send packets of increasing size so that transmission...
The op-pingsweep script sends a series of pings to a remote host, which is useful for troubleshooting MTU/MSS issues. Subsequent pings send packets of increasing size so that transmission size issues are detected. Read the document op-pingsweep #Slax #mtu #op-script #How-To