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The RPC On Demand page in Junos PyEZ walks you through the steps. #junospyez #Python #How-To #rpc
Include Transient Changes in Configuration Results For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, the <get-configuration> RPC is commonly used by Junos OS on-box scripts to retrieve the current device configuration. This feature was first released in Junos OS Release 12.1. The returned...
Coordinate XML RPC Data Between Routing Engines For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, you can get or set information between Routing Engines using a script. One example of this could be updating utility MIB information on both Routing Engines, since no utility MIB data synchronization...
Coordinate XML RPC Data Across Routing Engines in SLAX For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, there may be times when your Junos OS Automation script needs to share information with another script in the other Routing Engine, and you don't want to rely on connectivity between each Routing...
Access RPC On Demand Directly You should always have the ability to do anything that the Junos OS or XML API provide. Each Device variable has an rpc property to make accessing Junos OS at this low level easy. Junos PyEZ has metaprogramming to do what you want only when you need it ...
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